Go For Mac

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Download and Install GoToAssist Expert Desktop App (Mac)

Vudu To Go For Mac

When you download the GoToAssist Expert desktop application (so that you can host support sessions), an installation package (including the GoTo Opener application) will be downloaded onto your computer. By running this installation package and leaving the applications installed, you will be able to quickly and easily start sessions and re-install the application, if needed.

Note: These instructions apply to Mac agents only. For instructions that apply to Windows agents, please see Download and Install GoToAssist Expert Desktop App (Windows) for more information. Additionally, you can view the System Requirements for Agents.

Download the GoToAssist Expert Desktop Application for Mac

Note: Agents will be prompted to log in with their account credentials once the application has installed. For detailed installation instructions, please see below.

About the installation package

The installation package includes the following components: Inkscape for mac os.

  • GoToAssist Expert desktop application
    This is the main software that you use to host support sessions and connect to your devices (i.e., unattended support computers).
  • GoTo Opener application
    This 'helper' application downloads as the GoTo Opener.dmg, then installs as the GoTo Opener application. This application is required to install and launch the GoToAssist Expert desktop application. It must be installed on your computer, even if the GoToAssist Expert application is already installed.

    Note: If you remove the GoTo Opener application at a later time, you'll need to go through the entire download process each time you start a support session from the web app. We don’t recommend that you do this if you frequently start sessions from the web.

How to download the GoToAssist Expert desktop application instantly

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Go to www.fastsupport.com/download/repDownload.
    • If the GoTo Opener application is not installed (either first time joining or it was removed), then the GoTo Opener.dmg file will automatically start downloading.
    • If the GoTo Opener application is already installed, then some or all of the following steps will be skipped. The web browser will automatically start the GoTo Opener.dmg, which will then launch the GoToAssist Expert desktop application (or install it again, if needed).
  3. Continue to instructions for each web browser to complete the download and installation steps.

How to download the GoToAssist Expert desktop application from the web

You must log in to your account first to install the GoToAssist Expert desktop application.

  1. Log in at http://up.gotoassist.com.
  2. On your Dashboard, click Start session.
  • If the GoTo Opener application is not installed (either first time joining or it was removed), then the GoTo Opener.dmg file will automatically start downloading.
  • If the GoTo Opener application is already installed, then some or all of the following steps will be skipped. The web browser will automatically start the GoTo Opener.dmg, which will then launch the GoToAssist Expert desktop application (or install it again, if needed).
  1. Continue to instructions for each web browser to complete the download and installation steps.

Instructions for each web browser

Go For MacGo for mac

Once you have downloaded the GoTo Opener.dmg, you can complete the installation steps for the browser you are using, as follows: Netgear raidar for mac.

Apple Safari

  • Click the 'GoTo Opener' file in the browser’s Downloads window , or click on it in your user dock (or click Start Session to download again, if needed).

Mozilla Firefox®

  • Click OK when prompted, or you can select Save File then click OK to save the GoTo Opener.dmg file to your Downloads folder. To access your Downloads folder, click the Download icon in the upper right navigation of the web browser, then click on the file to open. If needed, click Start Session to download again.

Google Chrome™

  • When the download finishes, click the GoTo Opener.dmg file at the bottom of the page to open the file (or click Start Session to download again if needed).
  1. When the GoToAssist Opener window opens, double-click the GoTo Opener icon .
  2. You will see a message noting that ' GoTo Opener' is an application downloaded from the internet. If preferred, enable the 'Don't warn me [..]' check box, then click Open to continue. The GoToAssist Expert desktop application will be automatically launched, and the agent can start hosting support sessions with customers.

    Note: If you remove the GoTo Opener application at a later time, you'll need to go through the entire download process again. We don’t recommend that you do this if you frequently join sessions, as you will lose the benefit of faster join times.

  3. If prompted, log in to the GoToAssist Expert desktop application.
  1. The GoToAssist Expert desktop application will launch the Viewer window with a new support session (if enabled by your account admin), otherwise a blank window is displayed. See Use the GoToAssist Expert Desktop App (Windows) for next steps.

Install Golang with Homebrew:

When installed, try to run go version to see the installed version of Go.

Setup the workspace:

Add Environment variables:

Go has a different approach of managing code, you'll need to create a single Workspace for all your Go projects. For more information consult : How to write Go Code

First, you'll need to tell Go the location of your workspace.

We'll add some environment variables into shell config. One of does files located at your home directory bash_profile, bashrc or .zshrc (for Oh My Zsh Army)

Then add those lines to export the required variables

Create your workspace:

Create the workspace directories tree:

Hello world time!

Create a file in your $GOPATH/src, in my case hello.go Hello world program :

Run your first Go program by executing:

You'll see a sweet hello, world stdout

If you wish to compile it and move it to $GOPATH/bin, then run:

Get mac apps for free. Since we have $GOPATH/bin added to our $PATH, you can run your program from placement :

Prints : hello, world

Some References and utilities:

Import a Go package:

You can create Go package, as well importing shared ones. To do so you'll need to use go get command

The command above should import github.com/gorilla/mux Go package into this directory $GOPATH/src/github.com/gorilla/mux

You can then use this package in your Go programs by importing it. Example:

Format your Go code

Go has a tool that automatically formats Go source code.


Godoc : The documentation tool

Using the godoc command, you can generate a program documentation.

You need to respect some spec in order to document using godoc. You can read more about : godoc Documenting Go code


Discovering more the language:

Go For Mac

The following interactive tutorial will let you discover Golang world : A tour of Go